2024 Replacement Education Programs and Operations Levy
What is the Levy for?
Local levies are critical to school districts as they cover essential education programs, help with facility maintenance and upgrades, and enrichment opportunities that are not funded by the state. The Replacement Education Programs and Operations Levy will continue to help support:
Instruction/Curriculum - Teacher, para, custodian substitute wages, additional supports for special education, curriculum purchases, supplies for STEAM, music,art programs, greenhouse materials and supplies, etc.
Career Development - College Credit Classes, Career Fair, K-12 Field Trips, Career Explorations - Job Shadows, Internships, Apprenticeships, etc.
Support Programs - Custodian, secretary, maintenance - buildings, grounds, flooring, painting, plumbing, irrigation, lunch/breakfast beyond reimbursement, etc.
Health/Safety/Security - Nurse, health supplies, security cameras and upgrades, automatic door locks, emergency communications, etc.
Technology - Technology Director, laptop/desktop computers, mobile computer labs, software/hardware supplies, repairs/upgrades, etc.
Extra Curricular and Co Curricular Activities - Jr. High and High School Sports teams (coaches, uniforms, officials, equipment, fees, transportation, etc.) Band/Choir, Club Advisors, supervisors, 6th Grade Camp, K-12 Enrichment Field trips, etc.
When is the current election?
February 13, 2024. Ballots should be mailed on or about January 26, 2024. For ballot questions contact the Okanogan County Auditor’s Office at 509-422-7240.
Didn’t we just run a levy?
Yes. The original levy for 2023 and 2024 did not pass in February of 2022, so it was rerun in November 2022. Those levy funds will expire in December 2024. This levy would be in effect for the years 2025 and 2026.
How much will the levy generate?
We are asking for $2.23 per thousand, the same as the previous levy. At this rate the levy will generate $1,565,030.00. A school district cannot collect more than the generated amount approved by voters. For example, if property values go up, the district cannot collect beyond the $1,565,030.00 generated amount, and the tax rate of $2.23 per thousand will be adjusted down.
Is there financial assistance available for property taxes?
Low-income seniors and people with disabilities, or other circumstances, may qualify for tax relief, exemption, or deferral. For more information please contact the Okanogan County Auditor's Office at 509-422-7240.
How do I vote?
You must be registered in order to vote. Ballots will be mailed out to registered voters on January 26, 2024. To register on line you can go to https://www.sos.wa.gov/elections/voters/voter-registration/register-vote-washington-state
For general questions and inquiries please call the district office at 509-476-2281 or email [email protected].
For questions regarding financials, please contact Tiffany Jones at 509-476-2281 or email [email protected].
For questions regarding budget and policy please contact Jeff Hardesty at 509-476-2281 or email [email protected].